Is is true that our behaviour is different everytime and it depends on people we are actually that moment with?
I think that this possibility to change is the real women's weapon. It's really bother me when I see somegirl doing that, but I am a woman myself, what if am I doing the same stuff?
Am I with boys nice and friendly.......and with girls such a bitch? Manipulative, being nice just when I need something to happen? It's just a picture I have seen lately or the behaviour is a worldwide spread women's weapon...
Come on, be nice to everybody, your girlfriends supposed to be human being too. Love is there (I hope so), but nice behaviour ain't.
Uf. Tolik se toho ve mě tlačí a ještě k tomu v jiném jazyce. Omlouvám se za pravopisné chyby, které si momentálně vnitřně popírám a nebo je prostě nevidím.
Remember me bylo jedním slovem dokonalý, konec mě dostal a Rob tky :))
Mějte krásný slunečný den, tohle bylo jenom moje zamyšlení a vaše? Definitely,maybe:)
cute post! love the pictures
OdpovědětVymazatAnna Katrina
nice pics!
OdpovědětVymazati love the content on your blog - not just the photos, but what you write as well. really gives us something to think about.